Confirmation Class
Confirmation is a 3-year experience where kids from 6th-8th grades gather in community on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm at Pointe of Hope during the school year. Confirmation has the environment of being a youth Small Group where we seek to grow more deeply in the truths that we confess as Christians. It is also a place where we build relationships with Pastor, teachers, students, and their parents. We want students to have the support of fellow youth during this intense time of change and discovery in their lives. Pastor creates the curriculum that the kids are studying, and then together the parents and students discuss what they are learning in the home setting.
If you are attending Confirmation, you are automatically included in the Jr. High Youth Group which does monthly activities in concurrence with the Confirmation Schedule.
If you want to know more about our Confirmation program, please contact the church office, 816-220-2609.